Seven Facts You Should know About Dental Veneers

Seven Facts You Should know About Dental Veneers

Everyone wants to look their best. Since our smiles are some of the first things others notice about us, it’s important to have bright, healthy teeth. Not only does a dazzling style make a good first impression, but it increases self-confidence and promotes a positive self-image.

Porcelain veneers are a great, convenient way to enhance your smile. Veneers not only give you a brighter smile but make your teeth appear straight and symmetrical. The difference can be astounding. Veneers are truly like a facelift for your teeth. Read more here.

Achieve a Whiter Smile & Keep It That Way through a Cosmetic Dentist


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For some, they find it difficult to show off their smiles, especially if their pearly whites aren’t as white as they’d like. After all, nothing lessens one’s confidence more than a dark and stained set of teeth. Thankfully, your teeth can easily be whitened with professional help from a cosmetic dentist.

Understanding Teeth Discoloration

Typically, there are two types of teeth stains. Extrinsic stains are often found in the enamel, or the outer layer of the tooth. These may range from yellow tints to brown spots. Intrinsic stains, on the other hand, occur in the dentin, or the inner structure of the tooth. These stains usually display a yellow or gray tint.

Your teeth can get stained due to different reasons. While it’s easy to blame your not-so-white teeth on bad dental habits, remember that your teeth can also be stained due to the foods and drinks you consume.

Different Kinds of Procedures that a Cosmetic Dentist Offers


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Are you interested in getting some cosmetic dentistry procedures but are unsure as to what the practice entails? In a nutshell, cosmetic dentistry is a field of dentistry concerned with the repair and treatment of oral function and aesthetics. Because of its name, though, the usual implication is that it is only for the improvement of your appearance.

Here is a rundown of cosmetic procedures that you can get from your dentist. You might even be surprised that some fall under this category, contrary to popular belief.


This is probably the most common type of procedure given the length of time that it’s been around, and considering how much improvements over the years in the way fillings are done. This is recommended for decayed or broken teeth, and helps in prevent the damage from spreading further.

Improve Your Smile & Oral Health with the Help of a Cosmetic Dentist


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Today, with a variety of procedures available in, it’s possible to have a beautiful smile with no gaps between teeth, brown or broken teeth or misalignments in the jaw. A Tulsa cosmetic dentist can improve your appearance in several ways.

Your teeth may be straight and without gaps, but they are stained beyond the help of any toothpaste. Coffee, tea, tobacco and certain foods contribute to the stains in between your teeth that simple cleaning doesn’t remove. A cosmetic dentist can create a personal mouthpiece to clean and whiten your teeth the exact amount required.

How Sedation Dentistry Can Help You Relax at the Dentist’s Office


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A surprisingly large number of people in Tulsa, and throughout the U.S., suffer from dental anxiety. Unfortunately, the anxiety that these people face is daunting enough that they completely avoid seeing a dentist altogether. Experts estimate that 30 million to 40 million people avoid professional dental care due to dental anxiety

Fortunately, the dental community has taken many steps to help people who suffer from dental anxiety achieve proper oral health. One such step is the use of sedation dentistry, or the use of sedatives to help patients relax during their dental checkups and receive proper dental care.

Achieve Total Mouth Rejuvenation with Help from A Cosmetic Dentist


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When you suffer from serious tooth problems, it completely changes the way you feel about yourself. Not only can it significantly lower your self-confidence, but those problems may even leave you feeling too embarrassed to be around your friends. Those problems can range from yellow surface stains and chips on your teeth to cavities and missing teeth. Your dentist can create a treatment plan and offer procedures designed to rejuvenate your smile.


Not all chips and cracks on your teeth occur because of cavities. You might crack a weak tooth when you bite down on hard candy, and you can chip your teeth during car accidents and while playing sports. Veneers are one way in which a Tulsa cosmetic dentist might restore your smile. The dentist will usually sand down the surface of the tooth and apply an adhesive before securing the veneer to your tooth.

Conquer Your Fears of the Dentist with Sedation Dentistry


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For some patients, even the thought of visiting a Tulsa cosmetic dentist for a simple tooth whitening strikes a nerve. If you fall within this category, sedation dentistry may help you overcome your fears and anxiety. Sedation can be used in a wide range of dental procedures, including everything from simple cleanings to the insertion of dental implants.

Different Levels of Sedation

While sometimes referred to as “sleep dentistry,” sedation dentistry rarely involves complete unconsciousness, except for more complex procedures. In many cases, you’ll remain awake or aware throughout your procedure.

Teeth Whitening at a Cosmetic Dentist Office or Over-the-Counter?


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Yellowing or stained teeth are one of the most common complaints people have about their appearance, and it is one of the primary reasons why people visit their cosmetic dentist in Tulsa. However, there are also at-home or over-the-counter teeth whitening solutions available, and you may be wondering if those products work better. With a closer look at the differences, you may decide that now is a great time to set up an appointment with your cosmetic dentist for professional teeth whitening service.

The Products Used

There are a wide range of solutions available for whitening your teeth, and this includes over-the-counter gels, trays, paint-on liquids, toothpastes and more. The results of using these products can vary, but generally, you will find that the products used in a professional dental office are better suited to your needs.

How a Cosmetic Dentist Addresses the Consequences of Teeth Grinding


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Bruxism, or involuntary teeth grinding, can be a dilemma that bugs anyone whose oral and dental health have been gradually compromised over the years. As the grinding leaves a visibly eroded appearance on the teeth, you’ll need solutions provided by a cosmetic dentist to arrest the dental health decline and address the consequent dental issues. Crowns may be one of those avenues worth pursuing.

A Cosmetic Dentist Can Restore and Maintain the Radiance of Your Smile


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A radiant smile takes years away from any person’s face, inspiring others in the street to smile as well. All it takes is good oral hygiene, a healthy lifestyle and regular dental visits to keep a stunning, younger-looking smile. Unfortunately, many American adults overlook their oral health, which leads to the deterioration of their smiles. Discolored or stained teeth is one of the most common oral problems plaguing American adults. This is usually caused by consuming dark-colored food and drinks like red wine and coffee, smoking, and poor oral hygiene.

With modern dentistry, damaged teeth are now easily repaired through various cosmetic dental procedures like teeth whitening and the use of veneers. A cosmetic dentist, like the one you visit in Tulsa, is responsible for performing these dental treatments which aim to boost the appearance of your smile.